The newly enskinned America Dema Naa, Basha Ibrahim Iddrisu has met with the Overlord of Dagbon, Yaa Naa Abukari II to brief him on the upcoming campaign against drug abuse and trafficking in the Northern Region.

The campaign would use the traditional dance Naabiegu as the platform.

The Northern Region has seen a sharp increase in drug use among the youth. The use of tramadol and marijuana has been a huge concern among stakeholders in the area. In recent times the police have conducted swoops on drug dens effecting several arrests.

Therefore the courtesy call was to introduce himself to the Yaa Naa and seek his blessings and support for the upcoming campaign.

The North America Dema Naa Basha Ibrahim Iddrisu briefed the Yaa Naa on how they will use the traditional Naabiegu dance to sensitize the youth about the dangers of drug abuse and trafficking.

He emphasized the need for collective efforts to address the growing problem of drug abuse among young people in the region.

The campaign is scheduled to begin with a health walk on August 23, 2024.

The main event will take place on August 24, 2024, at the forefront of Zaa Multimedia.

 He was accompanied by the Sagnarigu Dema Naa, Wurishe Dema Naa, and members of his family.

The Dema Naa presented a 70-inch smart TV to the Yaa Naa’s palace to enhance entertainment in the palace.

Welcoming the team, the Yaa Naa, expressed his support for the campaign against drug abuse. He urged the youth to stay away from drugs and focus on their education and personal development.

North America Dema Naa and his team also visited the Chief of Karaga to introduce himself to the Karaga Naa and share his plans to combat drug abuse in the Karaga district.